
i was to witness an amazing feat that occurred while on my porch swing….in a tree not far from me a mother bird cried frantically

searching the limbs above, i spied a owl that eyed her nest…….the spring had brought her a new brood and she knew the owl eyed her chicks as food

so calling out it wasn’t long before the tree was filled with a throng of other birds who heard her call and came prepared to battle the owl

at first the attacks were one then two and i was amazed at how fast they flew.. some were small and some big and the owl was the target they aimed to hit

then it was an all out onslaught and i thought for sure the owl would be knocked out of the tree………as dozens continued the assault the owl decided he would vault and the entourage ensued chasing the intruder as he flew

it stirred me so i rose to my feet and cheered the birds for their defeat and it gave me cause to pause…………….together we can do things that we never dreamed of

come back to the herd……………stragglers and loners are the first to be devoured……………….together