where’s my binky

i am constantly amazed at how culture and opinion influence us

how certain standards are an unwritten code of do’s an don’ts,

as if this set of standards must be adhered to without deviation

regardless of what is actually best for a given circumstance


my grand daughter is 5 and she still has her ”binky,” i see other mother’s who know better distort their faces as if the child was being beaten or neglected……………………..and they can kindly pucker up…………………………

i’m sure because the child is very hyper they would favor medication and therapy, in an effort to separate the child from a little rubber comforter that is not known to have side affects or psychological issues

appearance in today’s world is all that matters, this needs to look this way, sound this way and act this way or it’s wrong

the drug companies would go out of business if we let people be who they are instead of who they ”should ” be

the arts would explode, the music would take on tones we never imagined and people would get along a lot better

you be you and i’ll be me and we can enjoy the beauty of being free and i’ll see you as you were meant to be and you will see me alive and free

and we can stop putting people in a box, that we cannot and will not find tops that match

where’s my ”binky”