apartment for rent

i have a small apartment for rent, it’s already furnished with resentments and the basic fears that make for a cozy place in hell

the rent is cheap and the requirements are easy, you just have to piss me off on a regular basis and i’ll give you a key

the longer you piss me off the longer you can stay, because this feeble minded fool refuses to practice what he has learned

so instead of blowing it off and letting it fade , i start having auditions and writing a play…….year after year and day after day the same routine some things never change

so the tenants last a few days and sometimes years………….they love the rate and they love the control…………so i can say, i know this and that, and it may be true as a matter of fact……………but knowing and doing are at different ends of the tape and you can take all your knowledge and pour it down the sink, because if you don’t implement what you have learned it like having a book where the pages never get turned

put a stamp on it and send it away