rear view mirror

just a suggestion, i know i’m not in charge but perhaps when you make more of us you might consider…….a rear view mirror

perhaps if in a second i could glance back that could greatly influence how i react

if i could reflect before i make my next move i could spend less time cleaning up things i have screwed


”well that’s a novel idea and it tickles me you are always looking for me to make things easy….that mechanism is already in place, it simply requires you to stop and evaluate…………..that process is there so you can learn not to keep making so many wrong turns……………if i did fulfill your request you wouldn’t learn much and you would wind up in up in a ditch…………..both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road and it would be hard to move forward if you were constantly looking back………………….instead of stopping when necessary………………… look at a map

open your mind to one thing at a time, and stop setting traps thinking you can handle this and that

looking in the past is helpful at times to keep from repeating the same mistakes, but you can’t live there