inmate or adventurer

chapter 1

sometimes i hear the jingling of the keys as i walk, they tell me i need to consider the offense for which i have been charged

as i go before the judge she asks ”how’s it going for you today” and i reply ”your honor that depends on what you have to say”

she asks me about the details for the crime that i have done and she hands me down the sentence and i pay the fine and move on

you see even on my best behavior i am prone to make mistakes and the quicker that I own them, the quicker i go on

chapter 2

the world is an incredible display of a carnival that never ends, i especially like the side shows and ask the carnies where they have been

it is always open for my adventurous side, but only if i don’t let my feelings and emotions incarcerate me

so i can start each day a prisoner or a guest at the fair…. the man taking the tickets doesn’t really care… because the admission price never changes and it isn’t cheap, for i pay with a day of my life, which i cannot repeat

the life of an adventurer and prisoner are always rolled into one, the difference between those that spend time in the cell and those that are free to roam, is the amount of willingness they possess to own what they have done, learn from it….. and move on

chapter 3

your choice