indian creek/penitentiary

they named this place after an Indian tribe that inhabited this area many moons ago, and i thought it was an interesting twist that they are gone and we are left with this

that human nature could be so strong that we would ignore right from wrong and place the veil over our eyes and stuff the dope in our ears to muffle the cries

those spirits still visit the ”creek” and they wander inside and this is what they see…….from a pleasant little village that no longer exists to bars and cages because the basic nature of man is this, we don’t like pain and i need something to forget

so we take what we think we need and it’s a temporary fix, it’s a lot easier than dealing with this and then our fix stops working and we are really in a jam and then we place that pain on others and look for an escape, at that point the search is running us and we are just hanging on and we keep on going till we come to the ”creek”

some take the time to sit and rethink that the time in their life is running like the water in the ”creek”, and they get in the water and the the water washes over their face and they surrender to the fact they are lost and need to escape, themselves

some cross the ”creek” and continue on their way and keep looking for something that will make the spirits go away, but they never find it and they go insane and late at night you can hear them crying with the spirits by the ”creek”

so brethren the Indians are gone we drove them away and their spirits still haunts to this very day……..but some have figured how to cross the ”creek” they make friends with those spirits and let them guide the way

the ”Creek”