ignored or criticized

hey i’m over here, you don’t have a problem finding me when you want something

but let me confront you with something you don’t want to hear and i might as well be the wind whispering in your ear

what a relationship i am beginning to see we are best buddies, as long as you feel you are controlling me………. but let me speak up after i’ve had enough and the United Nations will be called in to straighten this out

so as long as i sit in the passenger seat and let you drive and look out the window and wave as we pass by, then everything will proceed as planned and i will play my part as the predictable ”yes” man

just let me send up a flare that something doesn’t sit right in my underwear and i am labeled a ”downer and a drain ” and i stepped out of line and i need to be a ”good boy” and not complain

so ignored or criticized doesn’t work for me……………..see you around but i am setting myself free