
took some time for the work to begin because i wasn’t willing to accept where i am

our internal GPS doesn’t lie but we have to believe what we find

what i found was this; my opinions had built a wall so high and wide that it was impossible for someone to come inside and as a result i was living behind a moat that was difficult to cross

so there wasn’t anyone stopping by or visiting from time to time and for a bit it was nice, but everything has a price and what i found was that people carry weight and if you wish to relate, you must be willing to share their load or else you will be like me………………………….alone

so we have a choice to make, go about our merry way, free but alone without a friend in sight

so i looked at these opinions that were so dear and i gathered them up, some i decided to keep but most went in the moat and the rest are quarantined and are personal and that’s where they belong, not standing on the walls i built with a loudspeaker in my hand

so when the jack hammer was started and i begin to tackle my walls i could here people coming with sledge hammers, shovels and bars and i heard a voice over the clamor a voice from my past, ” i always liked him, he was funny, charming and warm and then he became self-righteous and that made him a bore”