you won the battle, but you lost me/for mister hampton

you got what you wanted, you got me to break, to you that’s like getting a chocolate cake…………………………………………………………the fact is everything has a price and now i choose to cut you out of my life…………………………past the point of forgive and forget we are getting closer to letting her rip

that won’t help anything, but i have entertained the thought

so i let my emotions rule, i gave you the tools to pry open my mouth

and in just a few exchanges were very close to up close and unfriendly contact

i would have walked but your hold the cards for now, but the deck is dwindling

i will weather this storm for another season, i have some changing to do and i admit that, you think you’re good……………..that’s the difference between us

i will do the gig but there will be a divide between us and it will be like the grand canyon, and i’m only interesting in coexisting………………..

you won i hope you had fun and i have learned everything has a price, when you entered my space and got in my face…………..we were done

in any other scenario you would have been looking up at the ceiling, but you hold the cards for now…………..but the deck is dwindling

you won this one…………………………..but you lost me

everything has a price