a very simple code

i had the pleasure of working with a friends’ grandfather for a few days, he needed help baling hay

it was hard work and at the end of the day we sat on the porch drinking ice tea

he said, ”there is a theory i hold near to my heart and i think our problems are a result of going against a simple rule, now ya’ll pay attention ,cause you’re going to school,this was something my grandfather taught me and i have tried to live by it all of my days”

if you can take, then you can give, and if you can’t give, then you shouldn’t take

”everybody can do something for someone, even if it’s just a smile. there’s an old boy comes to the VFW, to eat the specials on Friday night and people are jumping over other people because he is a beacon of hope and love. people say, you feeling bad about something Sugar, you come sit by Jimmy for a spell and you’ll forget all about it. everyone would say he gives way more than he takes. ya’ll hear what i’m sayin.”

we both look at each other nodding, ”yes sir we do”

my friend calls me to this day and before we hang up we ask each other ” if we are taking are we giving”