the man on the garbage truck

i’m the man on the garbage truck, i have a degree but that life sucked, so now i’m just the man on the garbage truck

i get up early and come to work the guys call me ”professor” because i read a lot, they ask me why i don’t do something else and i smile and they shake their heads

i found that i don’t need a lot, a small apartment over a laundry-mat, a dog that loves me and an alley cat, books and pictures from places i’ve been and a few of my neighbors that i call friends

there’s a girl i know she lives down the street sometimes we go out for a bite to eat and we watch old movies on cable t.v. and sometimes she asks if she can stay with me

i save my money and go on trips to see places i have never been and sometimes the lady down the street will accompany me and sometimes i just get in my car and drive around the country

i could not ask for a better gig, fresh air and people that know how to live, they gather up things that others throw away and we laugh because to us their okay

they realize that i chose where i am and i don’t think i am better than them and they ask me over to meet their family and sometimes i tutor their kids for free, i learn from them and they learn from me……………isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be

i found that the life i lived before got me a wife and the goal was more and we were separated from everyone else unless they were driven to be better than the rest

so i asked my wife what that meant, pushing and pulling to be better than them and she said ”i could always see it in your eyes that you couldn’t wrap you mind around the prize, to climb as high as you could”

my reply was, ” well okay, but what about life, learning and living and doing what’s right” and she said ” who would want to live such a life”……………….she packed her clothes and left

so i started over with a simple plan to live life to the fullest and be and ordinary man. i have found peace and harmony i never knew before and there is nothing ordinary about finding your place

just a garbage man…………not really