the difference/ for Eric

i was raised on the streets just like you and i know why you do the things you do, but the difference today between me and you

today i will pray for you

you see i have no doubt i could wear your butt out, but that would make me just like you

today i will pray for you

that old game of putting others down, to make yourself look better won’t last forever and when the bucket falls on your head all the people that are in there will gather and look you in the eye…………………………………..and say

we forgive you because we were able to see how afraid and childish people can be, maybe you will learn and maybe not but if you don’t do something this bucket will fill back up

so today i see you as you are and it makes me glad that i have come this far, i still have many hurdles and mountains to cross, but i don’t need to step on others to build myself up

today i will pray for you