every now and then

every now and then something stirs me within

and resurrects a memory long forgotten and once again in front of me

i am grateful for the librarian that works inside my head that keeps things filed in their appropriate slot until they are checked out again

these old stories use to haunt me because their lessons were ignored

now that i have accepted them i can use what i was supposed to learn

give up all hope of having a better past, and if you life is joyful now it’s because you passed the test

it isn’t about what we like along the way, it about what we learn and most of the things i disliked the most were blessings from above

the faces, the sounds of times long since passed come flooding over me and ask me to dance

dance for the mysterious and wonder of life and shake your hand with the past and never let it get out of sight

every now and then a memory will pass and take you to times of sorrow and times full of laughs

does no good to divide them into groups and label them ”good” or ”bad” for every event that happened in my life, happened just the way it should

every now and then…………………………………………………………is cool