the lost and found

i get most of my friends from the lost and found

because they have missed a few turns just like me

but somehow, someway they got honest and decided to stop making excuses and stop being the imagined victim

they know where i’m coming from because they have been there to, standing by the wishing well, throwing in money until we were broke and realizing work would have to replace wishful thinking

i relate to people that have scars, visible and hidden just below the surface, and you don’t get to hear about them until you are ready to share about yours

i made mistakes just like you and quite often we still do, but through the trails self-imposed we gather things only misfits like us know and if we had to do it again we would still sacrifice a little blood and skin to get what we possess………………………………… at it’s best…………………..trail and error

welcome to the lost and………………………………………..found