o.henry came back

o.henry came back to finish a book and talk with me

”i see i have influenced the way you recant, the things you have learned, the wasted time you have spent, but if you will read a little further i think you will see many times i was lost along the way”

”there are many things that can only be learned by missing the mark and making wrong turns, but in your lust for life, never dismiss right for wrong, everything has a price and sometimes it’s impossible to see, what the cost may actually be. there is enough pain in a well intended life, there is no need to seek out more experiences here on which to write. i justified actions that always affected more people than me and looking back there is little to say,

”just remember that your life is more important than legacy and i would quickly exchange my fame for history to recall that i was a man who was kind and considerate to all”

write from the heart, life will give you the experiences to write about, don’t sacrifice your morals to create them

call me if you need me………………………my friends call me ”O”