catching raindrops

life will give you the information you need but if you can’t be honest with yourself and implement what you learn go catch raindrops i am a spiritual giant when i am alone, approaching nirvana but upon re-entry into my everyday world, it is all i can do to keep from decapitating the perceived offender…

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lucky me to have such a friend, where life is an adventure that never ends ever willing to stop and explore, everything the cosmos brings to his door i’ve heard him go on and on about a leaf’s journey as it became airborne how he described it as it tumbled and dived ,it made him…

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time, God’s Sandpaper

a life will include certain things and i am glad this is so sometimes fast and sometimes slow depending on how we grow we label things good and bad initially, then when we look back again it was just like it was supposed to be, the labels were a mistake sometimes we experience pain and…

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lip service

talk, talk, talk yak,yak,yak jammer so much gives me a heart attack we profess a faith and hang it back in the closet till next Sunday yo, they all all Sundays nice and fresh, no wrinkles or spots because it is rarely used first sign of rain and the sky is falling, but you’re a…

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no more shoes

no more shoes you only have two feet and if you live to be a hundred let me repeat no more shoes i see a pattern hope you see it too everything in excess is the way you do and if a little is good that means more to you moderation is a word foreign…

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scratching Gods’ Back

when one of my dogs need a little pet, they jump in my lap and i scratch Gods back i am of the group that believes God is everything so when i do for others, i do for Him God needs love that’s why we are here, to share His Love and give it back…

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find myself through you

i find myself through you, a different avenue takes me away from myself and gives me perspective your share your trials and i am not so different after all alone i am confused and overwhelmed with the constant bombardment of half-truths that i tell myself with others i see the truth and it gives me…

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old but still His Child

i’m older now but often God will sit me on His knee, brush my hair and washes my face as He talks to me often He reminds me that He has been at this thing longer than i and it wouldn’t hurt if i asked more of His advice and relied less on mine i…

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Hard to be Blind

it’s hard to be blind when your eyes work fine just not seeing what you want me to see i’m not convinced once we mend this fence the animals will stay in their stall i’m not going to pretend i’m on board with this plan, there seems to be a lot of slack in the…

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