cherry picking the Bible

i like that part, works for me but some verses go against society i mean i want to do Gods will, but not if my friends won’t think i’m cool i’m not sure what others would think if i decided not to participate i can do this stuff when i get home, but out in…

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shouldn’t matter/spiritual duck

this is a note that will make you choke, so i suggest you take small bites how you treat me should have nothing to do with how i treat you i sing this song and some hum along ,that we are on this spiritual quest……………..and a sharp word from a slippery tongue stops me in…

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one for me/one for u

i sense there is some confusion and it should be plain to see i have one set of morals for you and a modified version for me you see i have certain standards that you simply must meet and of course i will try to do the same but after-all it’s me you couldn’t expect…

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defining God/waste of time

i have spent my entire life trying to define God to define God would place parameters on and entity that is boundless the idea of leaving something open-ended is problematic to most of us we need a beginning and and end……………….in Gods’ case it isn’t going to happen the best concept for me concerning God…

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feelings: friend and foe, robber and giver

verse by Captain Beefheart ” CRAZY LITTLE THING, CRAZY LITTLE THING, HOW DID YOU MEET A THING, LIKE CRAZY LITTLE THING, JUST GONE CRAZY, JUST GONE CRAZY” couldn’t think of a better definition of feelings they can give such elation and joy and rake sandpaper over an open wound you have to learn to ride…

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no hope of having a better past

trying to change the past is knowledge without wisdom akin to a pile of books on a donkeys ass, the knowledge is there but he doesn’t know what to do with it the past will only haunt you if you don’t learn from it otherwise it was a learning experience that was painful at times…

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the treasure chest/for Veri Abbey

you hold in your hand a treasure chest, that has stood the test of time and shines brighter than if it were filled with gold you have found that inner curiosity that all have inside, some choose to ignore it and others take the ride through lands far away where a carpenter walked from town…

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like water

humans are like water taking the path of least resistance getting in tight places where they do damage evaporating when the heat gets to hot confronted with obstacles they go around easier to travel a little further than to deal with the problem at hand cool and refreshing until moving to quickly they create turbulence…

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