when it all falls down/for O.P.

what are you going to do, when all the pieces you put in place come unglued

the best planned life always has a bump or two, when it all falls down what are you going to do

i don’t wish you conflict but i’ve been here before and you’re riding so high there is only one place to go

so i’m just trying to warn you so it won’t be that big of a blow when the storm hits you’ll know where to go

now this part is tricky but it’s a very important part, your attitude will make or break you, to a large part

if you are willing to accept that it is a necessary thing then you can learn the lesson and it won’t be in vain

no you aren’t being singled out, it’s just part of life and if you never felt the darkness you wouldn’t know the light

so when it all falls apart the best thing i have found is to hit my knees and ask God to hang around

may not turn out like you want it, but God has a plan and sometimes it’s hard to see, when it all falls down

praying for you