monkey off my back/foe to friend

i glad that’s over, what made you come down

well we attract what we are but you turned your life around

i was lazy and you were like me, so i hopped on board and let you carry me around

you got tired of the same old, same old so you started to get honest and that was the beginning of the end of me

i got my power by sowing fear and resentment, that kept you busy and left me free to steal you hope and your energy

when you started to face and work on your problems i didn’t stand a chance, so i came down

so now what’s your plan……………………..

i don’t really have one, so i thought i would hang around with you

well, you won’t be hanging, you’ll be walking, and we may find a way to make this work

you can be a resource, a reminder that left to my own devices i get to carry you around

you only have the power to help and to heal, if you agree to that you can stay, otherwise the door is over there

okay, it wasn’t that much fun being a burden anyway

shake on it…………………………………………………………………………..

i know you’re back feels better

yeah, yeah………………………have a banana