walking with God

old Joe was a friend of mine we worked together on the docks at the Port of Richmond now there was some pretty tough rascals that worked hard, drank hard, and like to fight for a young kid that was an exciting environment if they liked you they looked after you if not you were in for a rough ride they liked me Old Joe had a scar across his face said he got it when his mouth wrote a check his arse couldn’t cover. He told me about his wife and how she got him to go to church and he turned his life around. he said ”boy now you put a penny in your shoe and take God witch you wherever you goes and when you’s about to get yoself intues some messings, use gonna feel that penny and remember to do what God wants ya ta do, says right on it ”In God we trust” and i did. time to time Joe asked Me if i hads my Penny, and i’d say ”yes Joe i do”

three people died while i worked on the docks and i wasn’t one of them, could have been the penny

still carry God with me in my shoe and when i feel it i pay attention to what’s happening around me

another one of my special teachers ” Old Joe ”