
i would not dare say i could care less of what others think of me

but i clearly have in my mind all those people do not lay their head on my pillow when i sleep

it isn’t natural not to want to be liked, but everything we do or don’t do comes with a price

if the cost affects my integrity may be the odd one out, but that’s okay with me

i know people who want so much to belong, they will remake themselves in the time of a song, just takes them a few minutes and they have turned themselves inside out

as easy as a chameleon changes it’s spots

i have certain things i will not change, my faith, my morals and my ethics and if you don’t have them you will be like a leaf in the river, pushed wherever the water flows

what is more important is what i think of me, does my outside match my inside, do i try to help rather than harm, do others get consideration in what i am about to do or say

a plan for living that will wrest the best life has to offer is this axiom; IS WHAT I AM ABOUT TO DO OR SAY BRINGING ME CLOSER TO GOD OR FURTHER AWAY

that is the status i would like to achieve