let me go

let me go, i cannot stay, yesterday is gone, now go away

you have this need to correct the past, but it like trying to paint a cat, they won’t hold still and you just make a mess

let me go

let me go and do productive things, helping someone or just being a friend, we will never be able to start over again

let me go

let me go play with a child, replace a tear with a smile, help a neighbor trim a tree, these are things that are good for me. you wish to spend so much time justifying behavior that needs to be left behind

let me go

let me go be the man i’m supposed, a man rich in his poverty, the things i have given away because they got in the way of keeping others from me, so they were of no value to me

let them go

i have asked you here to combine the two, this one is better and you know it’s true, you are so afraid of what others will do and you do more harm then all the rest. so today we part ways, you no longer have a place in my heart or in my head, God help you brother you are dead

i let you go