what can we do about Mary

what oh what can we do about Mary, she’s getting closer to the grave everyday

her husband has taken the children and she sits in the house and drinks all day

the accident keeps her in money and she has the liquor delivered to her door

she tried getting sober and said it wasn’t worth the chore

the kids call her and say they miss her and they want to come home

she says she’s going to get better and they will start all over again

she has always been a friend of mine and i stop by a few times a week

most of the time she’s so drunk ,she can’t even speak

one of the kids died in the crash and she got a punctured lung, broken back and broken ribs

but the worst thing she broke was her heart

we have tried to tell her the other kids need their Mom and she replied i know they do but one of them is gone

she has been to treatment but it never did any good, she never went to help herself and it was a waste of time

so Mary fades a little each day and another ounce is gone

the money will out live her and that will go to her sons

so we have come to the end of what we are able to do

and all we can do for Mary……………………………is pray

that’s all we can do