storms within/storms without

when my insides are in a spin storms without come from storms within

pretty good actor, yes i am, but it’s almost impossible to hide, when i am dealing with tornadoes inside

so in dealings with people who will remain in close proximity, i let them know what’s going on with me

sometimes it helps to avoid feuds, offering space i need to recoup

it is a fact that has to be acknowledged if i am to function in this complicated world……………i get off balance and the root is uncertainty and fear

has nothing to do with like, some of the most productive and positive things in my life i am not to keen on but i like the results

honesty………..continuous inventory……………following my correct cadence……………..everyone has a correct cadence and when we get out of it we stumble………find it

it’s bound to happen over and over again, the storms will come and they will end, i look for the blessing each carries within and i learn from each storm so i will be better equipped when they come again

storms without come from storms within, they are put there for a reason ,not to punish but to teach us how to live

let it rain