rule your emotions or they will rule you

hard thing for a grownup to sit alone and stew

after an emotional bender has the whole family unglued

his children keep their distance afraid to rile the tiger

his wife has erected this wall with signs that read clearly ”come if you dare”

he thinks about his Father and the rants that he endured, he knew his Dad love them but emotions ran the show

so he continues the generational plague that the family is well known for and only ends when they placed in the grave

some try to justify, trying not to say bad things about the dead and others want to dig them up and try them once again

his Father knew the deal and couldn’t tame the tiger, he would say, ” if you can’t rule your emotions they will rule you, just look at me”

one thing to know, another thing to do

he knows the task ahead of him is daunting, but he is teaching his children the worst in the life skills department

”we hear the train acomin’, and it’s rounding the bend, we better get the hell out of the way the old man’s mad again”

that was it, he heard his girls chanting this as they jumped rope with the neighbors kids…………..that did it

after dinner he apologized for his behavior and said he was going to do something about it……………..and he did

through therapy and practice he retrained his natural inclination to act out

as it turned out he did teach his kids a valuable lesson and they are proud of him for it

if you really want to change……………………you can