shouldn’t matter/spiritual duck

this is a note that will make you choke, so i suggest you take small bites

how you treat me should have nothing to do with how i treat you

i sing this song and some hum along ,that we are on this spiritual quest……………..and a sharp word from a slippery tongue stops me in my tracks

to be that vulnerable would indicate that i am still bound by the good opinion of others

security and protection is what everyone is seeking and amazingly it is within our grasp

it is fully conceding to myself that i am under the guidance of a power greater than myself

if i have made that commitment i am shielded from any harm that may come my way

doesn’t mean i won’t have hurdles, but i have a divine guide and escort

still at the mercy of others……………..moving target

becoming a spiritual duck will allow you to withstand the rain and avoid the pain

prefer you treat me with respect and kindness, either way i am obligated to do the same for you regardless of how you treat me

if you are going to talk spiritual…………………….act spiritual

so i guess i’ll be quiet

not a quack yet