defining God/waste of time

i have spent my entire life trying to define God

to define God would place parameters on and entity that is boundless

the idea of leaving something open-ended is problematic to most of us

we need a beginning and and end……………….in Gods’ case it isn’t going to happen

the best concept for me concerning God is, everything, not some things, everything

i hear you ” well God wouldn’t do that and He wouldn’t act like that and he wouldn’t dress like that and on and on and on…………………………….

hmmmm, let me explain it to you,to my way of reasoning

i am not God…………………..i don’t know how God works but i know He does, i don’t know how God thinks but i know He cares

there are things we cannot, nor have the capacity to comprehend

you game, you talk a good game, can you play it

not really fair, because i already know the outcome

pray the lamest pray you can think of for 2 weeks, 10, 2 and 4

yeah like Doctor Pepper and see what happens

doesn’t matter whether you believe or not, God will show up


can’t define Him, confine Him or outline Him

He is………………………………. just is a very hip dude to meet

and He ain’t scared, are you?