the treasure chest/for Veri Abbey

you hold in your hand a treasure chest, that has stood the test of time and shines brighter than if it were filled with gold

you have found that inner curiosity that all have inside, some choose to ignore it and others take the ride

through lands far away where a carpenter walked from town to town , sharing a way to live that fascinates us even to this day

a simple plan that many distort and complicate to separate them from the rest

but it was never intended to divide but to unite us in this quest

so dear Abbey, i will try to simplify the gist of the text, treat others better than they treat you, love conquers all, walk in ways that will reflect what you learn and forgive especially when you don’t want to, establish a contact with the God of your understanding and talk with Him often

You will find what you are looking for…….the challenge is living it

God put you in touch with me and i am better for the experience

the Bible you hold in your hand will stand when others fall and reward you with diamonds and jewels in the form of love and care for others

you are already good at that, seek and you will find

from a fellow seeker


the phone activated because we were praying

never underestimate the power of prayer
