so much has changed….. but I’m still the same
the essence of a man is very hard to suppress
generally it is good and pure until we get our hands on it
through self-deception and a drive to fit in, we become distorted and a shadow of where we began
some can see it coming, an asteroid to the soul, changing their orbit before it takes control
those are the few indeed who have that kind of honesty and perception to see themselves as they are
the rest of us become aware only after we see the scars
the scars of indulgence with no regard of self-comtrol
the scars of relationships once valued that are lost
the scars of little concern for the feelings of others, in favor of self
the scars of the realization that the treatment of others is a direct correlation on how we treat ourselves
i became aware that i would get my share, enough to help someone in need and my attempts to put me first was all about my lack of confidence
to have the kind of life i wanted i had to change my perspective and my values
i wasn’t bad to begin with………………but i became greedy
i wasn’t consumed with myself but i became selfish………..out of fear
i wasn’t the tough guy i thought i was, just afraid to be vulnerable and let you see the real me………….so i made a suit of armour
i look back only because i want to move forward……………………so very much has changed, indeed it has
but i and still the same……………..the essence is still there it just covered up with snow drifts of fear