the needle in the haystack

so it was presented to you that your life could be compared to a haystack

your mission was to find your purpose by sifting through the hay to find the needle


about the age of 40 sitting on a plane to attend your Father’s funeral you realized there never was a needle, just the journey

your old man was a smart one…………he was a con, but a good one

he conned you into finishing high-school with an old car that you both restored

he conned you into college with stories of women and beer which you know now were greatly exaggerated

he conned you into marriage because he wanted grand-kids, and he loved your wife so much sometimes you got a little jealous

Pop you old bastard, i was just a kid when the needle in the hay stack was glued in my head

you sort of lied to me…………………………but i never found the needle, but i did find my purpose

Bye Dad……………you old con