catching raindrops

life will give you the information you need

but if you can’t be honest with yourself and implement what you learn

go catch raindrops

i am a spiritual giant when i am alone, approaching nirvana

but upon re-entry into my everyday world, it is all i can do to keep from decapitating the perceived offender

enlightenment is very different than i have led myself to believe

it isn’t the addition of knowledge, it is the subtraction of all the crap we have cluttered our lives and mind with

we came into this world perfect, at least in the respect that we learned by experience

as we got older we had teachers, because we needed them

they knew things that could help us and we trusted them

but they didn’t give us the information and let us develop our own opinions and attitudes about the information

they gave us their own, because some didn’t know better, and most thought they were right

so some of us become keepers…………………..and some become seekers

the keepers are adamant about keeping what they were given

the seekers decide to separate the wheat from the shaft

listening to water tumbling over rocks……………….can be meditation

watching a mother bird feed her young can be a connection to all forms of life

running ones’ hand through blades of grass can give thought to the remarkable design of the earth

the measure of how attuned one is to the source of energy that powers and sustains can be determined in our interaction with others

catching raindrops can be a spiritual and beautiful experience

a spiritual life is determined by how we serve and treat others

catching raindrops………………soothing

watching clouds……………………..enchanting

how one lives in community with others is the test of enlightenment

hmmmmm…………………………..guess i’ll go catch a few raindrops