my most valuable possession: faith

sometimes i wonder how it would be without something i treasure

family, friends, health, possessions, travel, love, laughter and faith

i am convinced my greatest loss would be to lose my faith

faith allows me to experience everything else that matters

loss of family…..devastating

loss of close friends………regretful

loss of health…………….i do the best i can to keep myself fit mentally and physically, everything else is out of my hands

possessions……………have become only as valuable as necessary

travel…………… to see new things………they can be far away or near, either way i am captivated with the beauty of the world

love………relationships show me many different facets of love, but i am loved with or without them…..they are a bonus

how i live and treat others is my statement, it isn’t where i live, who i know, what kind of car i drive or how much i am worth

my worth in the end will be determined by how much i give

love of God is love and respect of self, all other is beautiful but not necessary…….with faith i can laugh at myself and face my fears and follies knowing i am never alone or without a place to turn…………..take the others and i will lament

take my faith and i will cease to exist