waiting vs. procrastination

i have a tendency to place priorities on things that really don’t merit it

-i have a lawnmower that needs repair, not a big deal or i could buy a new one………….either way the old one still works but i would rather fork out the money for a new one and be done with it…………….but i’m in between pay periods and i can make a decision in a week………….no big deal

but i can make it one…………..and quick

the advanced sign of maturity is the ability to be able to control ones’ emotions and not be controlled by them

now there is a difference between things that need to be done and not wanting to do them………………that’s procrastination

this little twisted mind reminds me all the time, left to my own devices things can become divisive and i get things out of place which end up in a mess and i spend unnecessary time looking for things that don’t need to be found

a gift to be able to wait and wisdom to know the difference between waiting and procrastination