restoration/removing the layers of paint

this painting is under restoration, to see what is was supposed to be

parents, friends and teachers have added layers thinking they know what you should be

no need to blame them they were just trying to do their jobs, sometimes they helped you

sometimes they robbed

now you are older and perhaps wiser to, take away the layers and see what’s been hidden from you

i was under the impression that the second half was downhill, but a mentor helped me to see that this is when

i find the man

the man who has been calling out from under all those layers of paint

his voice is getting louder as i search to see his face

now i have found it and this is what he said to me

”i was hoping you would come i’m been waiting,

together we will continue to strip the layers and rewrite the book the right way,

in the nick of time”

strip the layers the world has piled on you to discover who you really are
