fashion of this world

to be under the spell of what others say, is the fashion of the day

makes me laugh and loudly say, i have no intention of letting you say what is right for me

i see people in all sorts of costumes and hear people gasp when they enter the room

because someone didn’t have the courage to tell a friend, ” girl you hip but you ain’t slim”

the parade of fools is the dance of slaves that let others decide how they should behave

and brother that suit is so tight if you farted it would blow your shoes off, we wouldn’t want that

i am not the savior of style nor do i wear my hair in a pile

and i remember what Miles Davis said , ” when you try to be like others, you might as well be dead”

Blow on Miles, blow on

hip is being true to yourself…………………that’s real hip

Fashion the dance of fools