splinters in our soul

things we try hide become splinters in our soul,we think it doesn’t feel that bad, no need for anyone to know

but it doesn’t take long until it affects us in ways we could not know

infected and uncomfortable we realize it has to go,so we call a friend or tell a mate that something is eating at our soul

we sit down with them and dribble out a few words and soon our courage grows

sometimes words are exchanged and often they are not , speaking about our problem loosen’s up the knots

we accept responsibility for what we have been sitting on

and the listener responds, ” i am glad you asked me, i hope this meeting helped, just remember when

we dig a hole trying hide something we would rather forget, God already knows and it doesn’t show much respect”

we come to a place in our faith……………………sometimes quickly sometimes slowly where God is everything or He is nothing, take the splinter out