admiration/ watch and you can learn
i admire the way you handle yourself when you are standing on shaky ground
i’ve seen you chase elephants until they left town
but the most impressive thing i ever watch you do was listen to someone who thought they had an issue with you
you waited until the air was out of the balloon and you gave them a chance to catch their breath and try to regroup
then you repeated very slowly the problem that you heard and explained to them that what seemed to have happened wasn’t exactly what they saw
i could see their shoulders relax and the lines left their face and you were calm and sincere and they believed what you said
after a handshake and apologies they went there way and you picked up where you had left off and continued with your day
could have gone down differently if anger had met anger, but anger met resolution and it was a lesson i shall try to implement
power has many forms and the greatest form is love