
i see me in you and it scares me to death, because i have already been there

i can’t stop you, wasted time trying to warn you, to no avail

some people will not listen, you’re one and I’m another one

i have the cuts and bruises mentally and physically to prove it

i see you’re acquiring some of your own

i stopped wishing to be someone I’m not, you’re still hoping

true sign of a person who has not accepted themselves

laughable to see people dying and trying to be younger, trying to be hip

[hip people are just hip, they don’t try and they don’t pretend,

find someone who is a trend watcher and they couldn’t possibly be hip,hip people don’t copy,

they create]

i’m okay with me, maybe someday you will be okay with you

been down that road, lots of potholes and easy to get mired up

the mirror reveals what we are willing to accept……………..not what we see