take more chances

something attracted me to a gentlemen walking his dog

his gait was jaunty and his dog seemed friendly enough

so i approached and introduced myself

” I know this is awkward

but I’m on a mission to live life to the fullest

if you would be so kind, i would like to pose a question.”

He said, ”I don’t know you and I don’t usually confide with strangers, but you seem harmless

and I like to help where i can, so what is your question and I will see about and answer, so fire away.”

”I am inquiring to those whom have more experience concerning their journey, what they would do different

knowing what they know now.”

He started laughing and when he caught his breathe he stammered, ” I wish I had the courage to take half the chances that came my way. You see life is experience and understanding and you never really understand something you have never seen or done. So my experience has taught me that I can get through any situation, so why should I be afraid to see what’s behind that door. Some of my fondest memories at the time seemed very hard, but that was because i had never been there before. I wish I had taken more chances, good day my friend, thanks for having the nerve to ask. Got this old ticker stirred up.”

He walked away smiling and turned and waved’

take more chances