handicapped not crippled

see i’m on this journey and some people just call it life

but then again some people take the trash out, breathe and go to work…………they call that life

to me life is embracing what comes before you and doing your best to dig in as far as you can and

accept and appreciate what you find


i’m sitting on a bench feeding the ducks that come in off the pond

guy rolls up in a wheelchair and we nod at each others presence and he begins to do the same

we sit in silence enjoying the sun on a laid back Sunday afternoon……………..peaceful

car pulls up behind us and a couple of guys roll out with their dog who begins chasing and harassing the ducks

i’m a dog owner and a dog lover, so i’m not blaming the dog, but the owner who is wearing a blue jean jacket

with a nazi swastika emblem on the back

i call him over, ”you know man your dog is supposed to be on a leash, if the park patrol comes by they will fine you and impound your dog, hate to see that”

his reply, ” F….. you man always someone trying to tell me what to do”

”society has rules, so we can get along” i reply

he calls his dog and they get in the car and leave

my friend in the wheelchair says, ” now that is the difference between someone who is handicapped, like myself

and someone who is crippled”

” i am physically challenged and i have my struggles, but my life is pretty good. That guy could win the lottery and still be miserable, you either have a good attitude or you have nothing.”

with that he shook my hand and rolled away

he taught me the difference between handicapped and crippled.