i don’t like you/ but you’re right

i don’t like you but that doesn’t keep you from being right i suppose that’s a wee bit of progress in the attainment of humilty like matters when i pick out a shirt, friend or dinner but concerning the proper assessment of a situation or behavior it is of little value i don’t like medicine…

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i know me

oh it doesn’t have to be this way, we can sit and talk, shoot the breeze my mind sees me underneath the trees you see, i know me i know me for a long time not always flattering what i find but i don’t have to act on every thought that crosses my mind i…

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restoration/removing the layers of paint

this painting is under restoration, to see what is was supposed to be parents, friends and teachers have added layers thinking they know what you should be no need to blame them they were just trying to do their jobs, sometimes they helped you sometimes they robbed now you are older and perhaps wiser to,…

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fashion of this world

to be under the spell of what others say, is the fashion of the day makes me laugh and loudly say, i have no intention of letting you say what is right for me i see people in all sorts of costumes and hear people gasp when they enter the room because someone didn’t have…

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greener pastures

human nature isn’t always my better side yes, it protects me and keep me safe ………as long as i keep it in check it also tells i am smarter than i am, more valuable then i am and deserve more than i do so you can see it can also be my enemy when i…

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often isn’t always

often i find myself in situations that merit a ”time out” but often is always often the world seems like a ball spinning out of control and no one has a hand on the brake but often isn’t always often my communication skills are about as advanced as a toddler and misinterpreted but often isn’t…

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not a marksman

i just don’t understand it i put the target in my sight allow for the distance and think i have it right i slowly pull the trigger and feel the recoil from the shot and the bullet somehow ends up hitting me ,directly in the heart i feel the pain of the wound and it…

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The sad thing is you’ve been here before 16 years would have kept most from reopening that door but i know the deal i’ve heard it before once you’ve been in, they save you a spot the system doesn’t care what you need or what you want remember it’s all about the money second trip…

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not a coddler

wasn’t trying to offend or confront you but you posed the question politically correct at the expense of my core beliefs ain’t happening One God bubba and His Son was Jesus i don’t go around handing out flyers or pushing my beliefs but if you ask i will tell you and it won’t be a…

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my attitude pays me well

my attitude pays me well, compound interest and dividends a decision i make everyday is to accept life as it is because invariably i am not able to see entirely what’s in front of me until it unfolds rarely is it as i imagined and i am constantly surprised i find what i am looking…

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