boo boo peas

long. long, time ago……………….

i was picking up my son from daycare

kids were coming in from the playground and chanting

“Phillip, [MY SON’S NAME], got hurt, Phillip got hurt “

i was waiting for my son to come in missing a leg or arm, you know how parent’s do,

but as he rounded the corner he seemed intact, with a scrape on his knee

he came to me and sat in my lap and i asked him if he was okay

he shrugged his shoulders

Ms., Tanner, the manager of the daycare said, ”Phillip let’s get that cleaned up”

the children watching all chimed in, “Get the boo boo peas, the boo boo peas”

Phillip was nodding his head, i was dumbfounded, not a new feeling

Ms., Tanner came back cleaned off the scrape and placed a bag of frozen peas on Phillip’s knee

the children went through another chorus of ”boo boo peas” and everything was fine

a little attention, a little distraction can remedy almost any situation

alas…… boo peas

boo boo peas work well in life