funeral for an average guy /for Bill R.

a good man died but not soon forgot

he will be remembered more for the things he was not

and in the end perhaps that’s the way it’s supposed to be

just regular people who do regular things are becoming a novelty

he wasn’t loud, wasn’t pushy with his views, minded his own business

and sometimes shined his shoes

went to work everyday and worked some on the side

providing for his family and went to church and tithed

maybe when i think about it he was a novelty after all

because he kept his word and did the best that he could

so if i remember Bill for everything he was not

an image comes to mind, of a man who accomplished a lot

thanks Bill, average turns out to be so much more than i thought


  1. Lil Satch on March 24, 2019 at 8:42 am

    There’s a sweetness, nobility, and meaning to this that in former periods of my life I could not have seen or heard–in people or poetry. I like the rhymes, too. An echo to the sense.