the canvas was blank

old friend i looked at you forlorn and weary

helpless i was there for support, not advice

i have no knowledge or experience with the loss of a spouse

we have history and long friendship that afforded me this visit

though i know many have tried to reach out to you but that’s not how you roll

i would characterize you as a loner, introvert and withdrawn

not in a negative way just descriptive

i’ll listen out for you but i don’t expect to hear from you for awhile

you know i’m here and you know i care and that about all i can do

you wouldn’t want anymore anyway

wiped clean that canvas you had painted for the last 30 years

i’m sure you will start again when the brush appears again in your life

a new brush with some of the same colors and some new ones added

to painful to think about and too early to remember

but i know you and you will make peace with the present and move on

to start a new canvas…………………when you are ready