the wise become fools
because i am lazy and filled with fear i often make choices that become quagmires
so it is not by any natural inclination but of necessity that i seek and sometimes follow direction in these matters
i sometimes fancy myself wise tempered by age and experience…………………….shortly thereafter to do some act that would deny that fancied thought
ground floor aka ”a good place to build” …………………………….i am a novice at life and always will be
my accomplishments have been the result of correction rather than direction
my natural leaning is avoidance as opposed to reception
i am a collector of wisdom that ordinarily i would not possess
i am the owner not by virtue, but by pain
not a wise man…………………………………but a man who has developed an aversion yo pain
the wise become fools and fools learn to make fewer mistakes…………………..sometimes
ps: don’t be a snake handler……………………..eventually you will get bit