you’ll never know
you’ll never know what makes me tick
throw my hands up and pitch a fit
but there is inside me a tiny flame
and in spite of my efforts and the pressures of this world
it remains flickering inside my soul
i can only tell you it has kept me alive when i tried very hard to let it die
but that ember refused to let me go and and when i got better i knew it was so
the way that i see and interpret this world is different from most other people i know
but there are a few who look under rocks, walk in rivers and hate to wear socks
and those are the ones that i am drawn to, that aren’t afraid of me being me and you being you
who don’t find it necessary to try and make me change, enjoy my rantings and don’t find me strange
so you will never know the me you see, unless we sit and talk
while perched in a tree
leave the dreamers along and forget trying to understand
maybe they will show you a blessing and it will sink in
but more than likely, you’ll never know, what makes me tick
and the places that i go