connected/ v

when i express my distress

i marvel because you never interrupt me

i never feel that my feelings are considered frivolous or juvenile

and your explanations entice me to consider a different perspective

what you give me are angles and not straight lines

often find myself flying as a crow flies, only to find i’m not a crow

i get involved and distracted with the nuances of life

sometimes that’s good and sometimes not

but if i don’t take chances i’m not living

i don’t paint by numbers and i don’t live by a game plan

i interact with people like you who get people like me:

dreamers and seekers

thanks for the ear

sometimes it’s enough to be heard

to be understood is icing on the cake


  1. Thomas Dylan on March 7, 2019 at 3:45 am

    If you don’t dip the quill in the ink
    It’s like writing with water no one gets the message
    One must get in before they can give out
    Tiny Elephant