
sitting on the beach i watch the waves sometimes pushing sand

and sometimes taking it away

reminds me of the seasons that happen in my life

sometimes the calf is fattened and sometimes it on the stake

things are constantly being added and some are taken away

sometimes i get to choose and sometimes i have no say

matters little about my preferences, life doesn’t work that way

“fair” is a funny word that mainly centers on ones’ perception

it lends ins’t to what is preferred as opposed to what is real

as i walk along the beach i see remnants of past life and i am reminded

the tides, like time pause for no one

your ship is not coming, you are on it and if you care not for the course you have but 2 choices

abandon ship and swim……………….or change captains

me not being a great swimmer i defer to the latter

you can ride the tides, or swim against it

time has proven many times which is the better choice

see you on the beach