not controlled

there are immutable things that i must face

part of life, they do not go away

to earn a wage and pay my bills is a challenge everyday

but i severed my ties to things that complicate a life

that have little substance and confuse

as to the whims of fashion i am always out of style

when i speak of fashion i am addressing far more than clothes

prevailing thoughts as to wrong or right can keep one forever dancing on your toes

i have certain beliefs that change but little over time

and my tendency to cling to them has served me well

regardless of trending thoughts of the time

my assured foundation has allowed me to witness

and hear all sorts of complicated and confused doctrine

to which i can respond ”well if that works for you” and move on

without debate

i am not selling nor purporting, merely doing what works for me

i am neither confused nor bound from the worlds inconsistencies

i am under the guidance and direction of a source that wells up deep within

when i follow that direction, it is then and only then that i am free

free of the bondage of self and the intended constraints of this world