boo boo peas

long. long, time ago………………. i was picking up my son from daycare kids were coming in from the playground and chanting “Phillip, [MY SON’S NAME], got hurt, Phillip got hurt “ i was waiting for my son to come in missing a leg or arm, you know how parent’s do, but as he rounded the…

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how God works

{smiling profusely, like i would know} in ways i neither understand nor comprehend full-time, no off days, no holidays, 24/7 gentle, soft, dramatic, hard quiet,loud, inaudible, audible always for good……always would you or could you worship, follow, trust a God you could understand ? I WOULDN’T, because that would me we are on the same…

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honest appraisal is a trait unnatural to me, but with Gods’ help i am learning to see God presence : nonjudgmental, comforting, strong but gentle, meek, understanding, humble attentive, thoughtful, patient, unassuming, respectful, interested, lifting, compassionate……… as i examine the aforementioned list, i am immediately aware………………….it is one thing to know of God and quite…

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one good craving

the addictions i adopted and the years they ruled my life can be brought back vividly, with the slightest effort of thought though it has been some time, i spent more years under their control then the years i have enjoyed clean i have developed a habit, one that i intend to keep and it…

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hurry………………… nowhere

observing successful people………………………….{well-rounded and happy} i have noticed a characteristic………………..not being in a hurry personally i have found that i have caused many missteps and mishaps by being in a hurry but none from being patient methodical, purposeful, thoughtful action is powerful requiring correct information that often takes time to assess people in a hurry…

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not above

above: to tower over, to look down upon, higher than descriptions of God, trees, mountains, the clouds…………………but not me i neither prefer nor claim any advantage over other men save they have no faith that doesn’t make me better or above them, nay, just blessed the voice has said: “the sweet and gentle place exists…

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my God

my God is bigggggggggggggg, my God is talllllllllllllllllll but He can be little and He can be small He can fill a canyon or sit by my side get into places where i try to hide that’s my God my God is gentle, loving and kind but He will kick my butt and He has…

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the maturity of ownership

the energy i once put forth to hide my frailty now can better be spent correcting what bothers me usually not getting or having my way, only to find what i so desperately sought wasn’t good for me anyway my first reaction as a child was to proclaim my innocence now i can pause and…

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inspiration is like a bowel movement when it time to go you better go doesn’t take much to start a spark to light a fire in my head sometimes i fan it and sometimes i let it smolder instead can’t let it get to hot or it will burn out of control can’t let it…

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